
The Soulprison of Bhaal

Grid 1 mobs: (all come to combat, track, and are non-agressive)

Grid 2 mobs: (all agressive, most come to combat, 2 soulgems hidden amoungst the 12)


  1. Start of zone after entering portal.
  2. Ellendil, quest mob.
  3. Herfas, quest mob.
  4. Dimpli, quest mob.
  5. Drennar, quest mob.
  6. No mob room, grid starts east.
  7. Overseer(psi/mage, one has neb keystone, one has xan keystone, two have carapaces[shields]; all eq hidden).
  8. Xan group: Xan(wanders, tracking bashable cleric/?, has soulgem and key 1/4), berserker(bashable warrior), 2 ghostly shaman. These mobs are not agressive towards pets.
  9. Neb group: Neb(wanders, tracking bashable caster, has soulgem and key 1/4), assassin, 2 warlock. These mobs are not agressive towards pets.
  10. Exit down with path to grid 2. Tendrils are not agressive to pets.
  11. down:2 tendrils, 2.mage
    east:1 tendrils, mage
    north:4 tendrils, 1. is mage(follows 2.), 2. is cleric/mage(group leader, 10% tracker), 3. is mage(ungrouped, 10% tracker), 4. is an illusionist(follow 2).
    north:2 tendrils, mage and illusionist (w to 5 tendril room, ww is s, e is e)
    east:2 tendrils, one is a mage maybe both
    west:2 tendrils, cleric and mage, maybe more classes
    up:room k
  12. Down exit with path to grid 1.
  13. Overseer(psi/mage, two have carapaces, one has yig keystone, one ebn keystone).
  14. Yig group: Yig(wanders, tracking bashable rogue cleric, has soulgem and key 1/4), samurai, ninja, 2 wu-jen. These mobs are not agressive towards pets.
  15. Ebn group: Ebn(wanders, tracking bashable caster, has soulgem and key 1/4), warrior, mystic, 2 astrologer. These mobs are not agressive towards pets.
  16. Bhaal (tracking demon illusionist, low level). These mobs are not agressive towards pets.
  17. Ak'Nthet group: Ak'Nthet(10% track demon cleric/invoker, has heart), warlock, berserker, mystic, ghostly shaman, wu-jen, warrior. These mobs are not agressive towards pets.
